This week, my work in Parliament and across Gedling has included:
Dropping into a meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for public services
Speaking in debates during the Committee stage of the Elections Bill.
Chatting with Gedling residents about environmental matters as part of the Great
With Parliament back in session, last week was a busy week in Westminster, where my work has included:
Asking the Justice Secretary to ensure the emotional suffering caused by the theft of a beloved pet is taking to account when courts are sentencing pet thieves.
Questioning th
After a busy summer across Gedling, I returned to Parliament last week where I continue to work with Government on delivering Gedling's priorities.
Last week was the second week of Parliamentary recess where my work included:
Helping to clean up Arnold on a community litter pick
Speaking with a minister at Arnold's Eagle's Nest Church about his work and the wider Arnold community
Visiting Arnold Foodbank to congratulate t